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Are you sure you want to do this? - A return to normal life (A Lenten Reflection)
Suppose neocities can't make the thumbnail on the actual page. I think I've come to cope with the fact that my generation will come to live a life more normal for most of the world and history. Middle Class people were anomalies to begin with, and even when it's no longer possible to live that way, we'll be okay. We weren't made for this level of comfort to begin with.
Cont. When a virtue's prayed for, God gives a problem to build the virtue by solving it. My job's difficult. I'm grateful for it because it allows me to exercise the Rosary's virtues, all that I asked. And, when it comes to material favors I'll know I'll have them by the virtues gifted to my soul as a result of working through difficult problems. This will be true for so long as I live.