A Quaint Laboratorium

5,064 updates
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I I I ... I can't stop browsing your site. It's so much cool stuff to explore. Please don't run away, so I can take my time with it! Your Adoptables made me very happy.
corruptedunicorn 1 year ago

Hey, I know you from Mneo! You got set up a pretty nice website yourself, you know?

thank you for the follow!
1 like
What an awesome vibe your site is. Those visuals are awesome. Absolute respect for playing all those 10/10 games. Everyone who played Spy Fox Dry Cereal is a cool kid to me, haha.
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chitinlink 1 year ago

thank you!

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1 like
I am in awe. You are doing such an amazing job with those crops, and I hope the pumpkins and lettuce will come along so well. Seeing your whole progress is so inspiring. I can't wait to see more updates.
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unartur 1 year ago

Biiiiig Broccoli Update! I changed things up a bit and added new assets to the ID Maker. It's inspired by a friend who really wanted a mouth full of broccoli, so who am I to not grant such a wish? Hope you all are doing well. Keep creating, everyone. <3

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJan 23, 2022
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art videogames internet