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[18/05/24 - 19:00] User tells: User's Code Update is here! 1. Yes, I know, I lie, I say that the next update was about User's Social Life. That was until I became more active in the Neocities Discord Server and Reddit Community. As I have seen a lot of people asking things (HTML, CSS and JS stuffs), I've decided to make a secret update explaining my code (redoing it, making it more understandable and detailing....
user-maldito 8 months ago

almost every line). 2. I'm thinking rn to make smalls updates. I don't know, I need to think that, but mainly I'll do "big updates".

user-maldito 8 months ago

3. I forget what I was about to write.. Ah, yeah. If you have some trouble understanding my code, feel free to contact me! Discord, Gmail, Reddit, here, ... I will try to see as messages as possible. :3 ~ Visual Studio User

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedOct 28, 2023
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