Wraith Glade: The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

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Hey, sorry for the delay! The reason why your ghostring links weren't working was your slug was listed as `wraithglade` instead of `WraithGlade`, but I've fixed that for you. It shouldn't matter which symbols, icons, or characters you use for the link. In fact, images and < button >s should work too. Btw I love your site!!!
wraithglade 6 months ago

Thanks for the info and for the update! I tested my ghostring links and they are working now. Have an awesome day/night/etc!

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saltedslug 6 months ago

wow this is sick!! Any plans to make it interactive/show the 3D model in browser?

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It's been fun exploring more peoples Neocities sites today. I am always spreading myself thin with my constant sense of "needing to learn as much as possible to put my life more in order" (etc) and so sometimes I don't take enough time for the joys of appreciating and savoring the present rather than always planning for the future or "skill building". So, it was nice to finally take some time today to explore freely!
The elegant button-like banner of your site fits the centered style of your main page well! It's also good to see another person hosting their music (I have a few too) and I enjoyed listening to yours. My 2ndary computer uses Linux Mint also, and I'm considering leaving Windows for my main eventually, now that they've become spyware-happy and increasingly stifling to users. You've got a cool site! Followed you!
badgraph1csghost 6 months ago

aw thanks! i love the pixely aesthetics of your site too :) it kinda reminds me of a super mario fansite i used to go to before the turn of the millennium (which incidentally is a bit of the inspiration behind my own site, what i can remember of it anyway). So far Linux Mint is really cool but i cant totally give up win7 for professional reasons.

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I read your most recent update. Coincedentally I was listening to tracker music too in the past couple weeks. It is such a great retro style of music and a more computationally/memory efficient format for music production. I've been considering making a tracker piece myself eventually and even bought a paid tracker program but still haven't actually used it, heh. I also thought your site style history page was cool!
Your navigation bar format and usability is one of the best I've seen. I also really like the interesting hybrid of other retro aesthetics on the site, such as from both the early 2000s and earlier eras such as the 1990s and 1980s. I too miss the Windows 95/98 (and XP and 7, though less so) eras of computing! I'm definitely adding you to my follow list!
caitsith 6 months ago

The smile this comment put on my face cannot be understated! I love compiling my favorite aspects of windows old operating systems and smashing them together like some kind of chimera lol. Thank u for adding me to your follow list :))))

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CreatedNov 18, 2023
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