Make sure you get out there and vote for the candidate that actually gives a damn about this country, we all know who I'm referring to
i think the best ai is going to get with remaking games is shit like Bomberman bc you don't really have a lot that's happening off screen so it's gonna have a better idea of what's supposed to happen. cool concept but good god it's vomit inducing
i just tried it. freaky as fuck. the ai also has schizophrenia because one second i'm chopping a tree then i look away for a second and the tree is nowhere to be found
it's not that this thing in specific can't be done, it's just that something like this is absolutely not the type of thing to use
definitely possible to get something playable and somewhat enjoyable but the ai is just not at the point for any of this yet. far too ambitious
they could've started from any other point, Minecraft is too complex with the model's current state
i honestly overlooked that but I could've sworn you sent an archive link at some point?
4Q sounded like "Fuck You!!!" which is why the logo was a little cartoon guy throwing up a middle finger
Lol im in college right now so i havent really been paying attention to neocities but I want to add more stuff as I get more ideas and learn to code better
it is block on my school chromebook, im prob not missing much anyays. i will try it at home tho
yeah you rlly arent missing anything its just really fucking jarring