Basket of Tots

777 updates
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The site is updated! The index page has been completely remade and no longer uses a template. I may make some minor changes (not too sure on the background), and i may add some things, but this is it! Next up im going to remake all the other pages, but it'll mostly be coding and layout changes, not visuals, so it shouldnt take too long.
Its now officially been 2 months since I last updated my site :( HOWEVER! Im almost done remaking my home page, so there should be an update this week!
Thank you for the follow. Your header image is a thing of unparalleled beauty, both in font and snack choice, and Iā€™m excited to see where your site goes next.
basketoftots 2 years ago

Thank you very much! I appreciate the kind words, and really enjoy your site, its very cozy :)

Of course when i start working on the website again i get stuck somewhere for 2 weeks with no computer. I'm back now and hope to have some sort of update this week and get back on track.
basketoftots 2 years ago

(mostly writing this for myself so i actually commit to it lol)

Added a guestbook!Feel free to yell at me. Got a lot of things planned, hope to start working on the website more regularly now.
basketoftots 2 years ago

Biggest thing i wanna do is remake my home page. I've learned a bit since then and I feel it doesnt make the best first impression.

Website Stats

Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedJun 13, 2022
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