crow's nest

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was cleaning out my google docs and found a REALLY OLD REVIEW for red velvet's "birthday" album that i wrote way back in december and then never posted?? so i went ahead and edited/posted it :P
doqmeat 1 year ago

CHUU !!! 💖

doqmeat 1 year ago

aa loona was my introduction to kpop bc i stumbled upon the heart attack mv as well!

crows-nest 1 year ago

my irl best friend had been trying to get me into kpop for a while, but she had been only showing me boy groups and i wasnt super interested. so seeing the heart attack mv on tumblr was so eye opening !!

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fellow le guin fan!!!!!!!!!! i really enjoyed reading your words on tehanu (one of my favorite books Ever), especially your notes on its tone. what resonated with me most about it was its hopefulness in the face of its darkness, so it kinda shocked me when i found out so many people felt it was really bleak!
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crows-nest 1 year ago

ANOTHER LE GUIN FAN!!!! thank you!! i totally agree, i felt like such an ultimately hopeful book and so full of community and love that it surprised me that so many people felt like it was "too dark" and "pushing an agenda." i need to reread it so badly, i just started rereading the whole series!

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omg love reading your music reviews and posts, very interesting! cool website :]
crows-nest 1 year ago

thank you!! your website is so cool as well! <3

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hiii your website is really neat!! we share a lot of interests :) also just wanted to let you know the links on your home page are broken (i think because you put bomsoup twice) >_<
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bomsoup 1 year ago

ty!!!!!!!!!! my images had the correct routing but i forgot about the actual text!!! tysm!!!!!

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CreatedMar 30, 2022
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