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When does self-sacrifice become self-harm? A person can carelessly throw their life away if they pridefully think of themselves as a "hero", "savior", or "innovator" by doing so.
And that is true whether we are talking about a modern metropolis filled with bugmen or suicide attacks by Jewish zealots against Rome in a 1st century Judea. Surah 2:87. وَعَلَيْكُمُ السَّلَامُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
[In other words, I can deeply identify with your pains, but it cannot be resolved by becoming a Sicarii. Only peace can begat peace. 🤗🕊️]
this world could be perfect and i still wouldnt see having children as a good thing. by not existing you completely avoid everything bad and the necessity for anything good
@psychicnewborn - It is noble to love your unborn children so much that you never have them in order to protect them from the evils of this world, but what will we do with our own lives? Even a belief in "nothing" is a belief in something. By turning away from one thing, we simultaneously turn towards the perfection of virtue and life forevermore.
Oh yeah, almost forgot 19th-20th century Korea!
...remember Ephesians 6:12? Manipulations and fronts like missionary tourism, televangelism by millionaires, non-profit industrial complexes, military peace-faking, unequal treaties, and so on are spirits of the anti-Christ and of the synagogue of Satan. Neither "Christian", "Jew", nor people from any particular nation-state. The Mandate of Heaven says Matthew 7:22-24!
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Good luck on the gnostic path. I have heard that the erosion of the Abrahamic God is the erosion of the foundation of Western morality and everything else stacked on top. Some are so eager to subvert and destroy the foundations... The most progressive is the first to turn back when we take a wrong turn.