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things I forgot again: waifulibrary shout out--READ MIL-SIM STORY TODAY / Trumpposting because Art of the Deal is a fun read / new Knifefag page
++AI narration vs sickeningly whiny youtuber voices
🐱 my Digimon Pendulum is coming a day early, I'm happy
I don't have a lot of knives but I really should do a blog on the ones I have. Specifcally the ones I use for EDC.
Read Art of the Deal when Trump first ran for President. Should read it again.
It's so cool the way he describes the process for like saving old hotels and building skyscrapers😭it's such a journey
Shoo, I think I read a different book where he collaborated with some Asian guy to write. Okay, looks like I'm reading this one because I don't remember many lessons from the book I read besides "Get revenge 10 fold," "Tip big," and "Always get a prenup."