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mfw I realize Elevenlabs *does* use credits even for voice changing, why did I think they didn't? What a terrible blaccpill lol. Half-off for the first month: $11 for 2 hours of audio doesn't sound SO bad, but $22? Oy vey, not to mention all the credits you waste trying to perfect it. Ech.
Thank you for the shout, Ask! I was questioning whether the stuff I wrote was helpful, but I'm glad to hear you got something out of it.
Yeah. It's a rip off. It's like a one month thing for me to play around with once my credits replenish. I don't subscribe to any their plans and use the free voices which is good enough.
I also appreciate the shout outs to my story. I know I am writing chapters fast so I might try to slow down (although not too much because I do want to have a complete story by the end of it). It's people like you that keep me motivated to keep on writing.