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These humble brags have me feeling like Jason on the lake 😠lol. In all seriousness though, can't help that the humor masks a lot of pain. It sucks to think about, but I think Jacob was onto something when he was kind of okay with his daughter getting kidnapped to be the bride of some guy. If I were a Dad and this happened to me, at least I'd get an alliance out of it and guy who'll care for her the rest her life.
Cont. People in this country, they do everything "right," this being consenting to fornications, but nothing good comes of it. Like, Jacob would have preferred his kid to be kidnapped by a good man than have her consent herself in sin to a bad one. Like, would you want your kid to be kidnapped by then married to a prince or living in love with a deadbeat who'll toss her aside?
Cont. Darn, I have to apologize. This got too real. Ask, this was a good post. Young men in the Taliban are out beating world superpowers and guarding the chastity of their wives. Meanwhile, us men in civilization are like, what, playing Magic, and teaching ourselves how to lead girls on? God help us all.