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If youre able to try talk to your doctor about getting in touch with a mental health professional. It might feel like you cant control it now, but with the right treatment (like cbt or dbt) you can better control over your emotions and better communication with your friends 🩷🫶🏽 please remember youre not alone out there
thank you so dearly for your advice, but unfortunately my mom doesn't let me do stuff like that!! she's kind of like a nonbeliever in her kids having mental health conditions (idkeither) and so she's never really been one for therapy or stuff related to mental health!! again, thank you so much !!!
there are still many mental health resources for bipolar disorder online for free as well! if you ever want links to any just lmk <3 just know you arent doomed and there is a way to have control over this disorder and have control over your life <333