
3,859 updates
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hii i just updated my diary and music pages :) i also added sum ppl's buttons to my wall!!
hii i just wanted to say ur website is getting so!! cool!! like wtf
anonsensical 3 years ago

thank you so muchh!!! <3

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yo i finally linked a bunch of peoples buttons! if i missed you then lmk and i'll add you! the button page still looks kinda empty so im hoping for more people to fill it up lol :)
i luv ur art!! it makes me so happy to look at :9
hehymn 3 years ago

omggg;;; thank you so much that makes me so happy to hear!!!

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yuck! was updated.
3 years ago
what's the song on your welcome page?
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eam-archives 3 years ago

its the sylendanna remix of bloodstains by 100 gecs! i found it on soundcloud :3

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hey is anyone else's browser like having a really hard time loading, but like just for neocities? or is that just me.. idk it's kinda annoying :[
honeycitron 3 years ago

this is actually happening to me like right now! got on neocities today & it took a while to load

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misswannabe 3 years ago

Me: nah, I don't think so... Oh look a website!! Let's click it!! Browser: ¡¡Adiós!!

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eam-archives 3 years ago

yeah it's taking a while to load the site and whenever i go on ppls sites it like freaks the fuck out,, and to even post this comment i have to reload the page like twice

honeycitron 3 years ago

when i go on ppls sites it loads totally fine, but the actual neocities feed / dashboard is not loading.... also it's totally not updating my pages when i change the CSS

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eam-archives 3 years ago

yeah exactly,, and i can't find any like support faqs or anything so i guess we're stuck like this until it decides to stop

cute site!!
also it's super official,, i have like 3 more followers on here than on my main insta so THANKS!! 4 being ppl in my life!!
hii um blingee is blocked on my computer cuz my mom is dumb :( yall have a good alternative? thanks!
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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedJun 21, 2020
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