The same goes for the simple pixel character directories I have made too, they'll be made into f2u stuff.
Added 2 new graphics at the bottom of the page, I had to fiddle with the other picture at the bottom tho as it didn't line up with the other corner drawing.
The satisifaction of my site being 100% built from nothing is kinda important to me is kinda why lol.
Also 90% of the pre made graphics I see is that kawaii cutesy aesthetic, which is ok, but it ain't my thing, or what I want to put on my site lol.
I may have solved the problem as I learned file garden will host files for me, and the reason why I couldn't get it to work before is because I didn't set my stuff to be public... I feel fucking stupid now <<.
Ok I will fix the rest of the pages later as I am tired atm.
Ok looks like catbox is working again but w/e I am going to use file garden instead