floppy's web lounge

2,489 updates
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First of all, really nice site! Also, for comments, you can use this software: . If you want to be like a mod of this comment box, then you need to sign up. But yeah, you can just copy the given code in there!
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floppys-lounge 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I think if I implement that comment box, I will forego moderator capabilities. I figure people will be nice enough not to spam, and if it doesn't work, I'll just remove it.

1 like
what are you using to learn Japanese?
neo-tokyo 6 years ago

A multitude of online and physical resources.

1 like
Cool to see that people are visiting the site, even if it's only a few. Hopefully I can put some actually cool things up soon.

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMay 24, 2018
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