Your last blogpost ("Working with my Brain ...") really resonated with me. I do the exact same thing with things that are out of sight, out of mind. I want things to be aestehically pleasing but also don't want/can't invest the time to make it so AND still have it do the things it is supposed to. My bullet journal has two nice looking months - I've used the whole thing for 2 weeks. So, thank you for the tips!
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I'm going to make templates in the next couple days for taller and shorter dolls; deleted that portion on slightly misaligned hands since, those new templates will solve that potential issue.
This looks amazing! Be sure to submit it using the event form, so it will be displayed once the event is over:
@lostletters oh oops sorry! I'll mass-submit all the pixels I make later!
no worries at all! I loved seeing the preview. Thanks so much for using the pumpkin template. I love where you went with it <3