Flying With Quills

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huh. The "random" button under the bible widget seems to be referencing the code for the free speech webring instead of mine...? hum.
kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

I found the problem! Turns out that both the bible ring widget and free speech widget use the same file name for handling their widgets, "onionring-widget.js"

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kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

So because the browser loads two javascript files with the same name, it uses the latest one which is the one from the free speech webring, and because both widgets use the same name of the functions for the random link, you get that bug

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kunfucutsman 2 weeks ago

It can be fixed by modifying the code of the bible webring to something with unique names, both the files and functions have to be changed so they don't interfere with other onion.js based webrings

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flying-with-quills 2 weeks ago

Thank you for letting me know ^^ I appreciate it

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CreatedJul 30, 2023
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personal writing journal christian faith