3,501 updates
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i love this site! huge respect to the hog. i especially love the red river hog page!!
hog 2 years ago

thank you!!! likewise, i respect your dedication to gnome. very cool website

hi guys, sorry for the total radio silence. over the summer break i ended up doing a bunch of other stuff, but now college has started back up i think i'll start working on the site more again! lord knows ive got a great gnome to share.
gnomes 2 years ago

id actually like to start a new branch on my blog about english mythological creatures, ever since i learned one of my ancestors was a knight who claimed to have slain the lambton worm. really funny to think about

mametzwood 2 years ago

re: your British folklore stuff, i live in the vicinity of where black shuck comes from so i'd love to see all the folklore stuff!

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gnomes 2 years ago

@mametzwood oh wow, that's really cool! i just did the first page on the most famous folklore of my home county, and i'd was a bit lost on where to go next. that's a great second step, so thank you!

search "puppy dog pool" on discord's gif search to have a really good nice day and smile (PSA)
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splattacks 2 years ago

yeeeeeessss.... thank you

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i'll be able to work on my site a lot more after next week, as my summer break will have started :-) i have a lot of ideas for things i want to add! my current plans are to finish my weather pages, work more on the secret worlds section, and to add a custom cursor to the site.
Thankies for the follow! :D
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gnomes 2 years ago

hehe, as a fellow dog lover i adore your site, thanks for following back!

1 like
gnomes 2 years ago

added trolls to the gnome lore page! :-)

hello! your site made me smile, i adore your weather pages!! i'm about to begin working on a project and i'll keep the rainy night one playing in the background :]
gnomes 2 years ago

oh i'm so glad someone is getting some enjoyment out of my new pages!!! <3 that's exactly what i made them for, nice background sounds ^o^ i love your site BTW your art is super cute!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 25, 2022
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gnomes conservation folklore nature mythology