@blamensir Hii sorry for the late reply!! I haven't gotten around to buying pattern paper (I usually make do without) but I've been meaning to take the patterns from my historical garments so I can make them available to look at/download. They'll be on the site when I get around to it :-)
The preview for me shows the site with working javascript, but ironically when I go look at it, it doesn't work!
Sounds like you've been busy lately! Can't wait to see your finished bloomers as well as your thoughts on Rose of Versailles :D the art direction is sooo beautiful!
@inkcaps I have been indeed :'-) I hope I can update again soon, but it might be a while because of my exams ;-;
I'm planning to make a pair of bloomers soon too! I hope you do well on your exams!
@mutterbutter Bloomers are such a fun project, I hope you enjoy it! And thank you, me too :'-)
Yaa of course! I think your site is really cool! Thank you for following me, and for the compliment :-)
Added more buttons to the about page :-)