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dfrag 3 years ago

On the topic of music, just wanted to say thanks for tipping me off on the PilotRedSun bootleg album, that is some good sound

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redesign's up bitches go peep it
soupycartoon 3 years ago

It's easier to look at and the sound is a nice touch, but I had a few problems with it. It doesn't scale well on my screen (1280x1024), the text looks squished and the divs are cut off. Also the log archive didn't load.

hbaguette 3 years ago

yeah i haven't added the archive yet - not too sure how to fix the scaling tbh. guess i could make them a fixed width

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frisout 3 years ago

in love with the sounds ^-^

been getting a lot of emails recently - will respond to them once the redesign's up, may have to resend some in case i miss them
working on the site redesign, which is why i havent gotten around to adding some people to the ad rotation. once the new design's up and running, i'll sort that shit out
been working on a site redesign, it's pretty F R E S H
roseknight 3 years ago

freesh fries

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fixed an issue with bannerlink where i forgot some fucking end quotes
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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedMay 12, 2019
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music software personal