
999 updates
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inaka 1 year ago

Big update with 3 (!) new albums. New menu system that is totally mobile-user hostile! I will try and address this in the coming days. Need to figure out how I can revert to the original menu when mobile users connect to the site... Enjoy!

saint-images 1 year ago

I was just about to drop the "missing you..." post in your timeline and then you come up with this. Each of the new albums is beautiful in it's own way. Definitely would be interesting to have more context on the "can day" photo.

inaka 1 year ago

Not gone, just busy. New film photos coming soon, when I have some time to write the code for the page and do some supporting design for it.

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darek 1 year ago

Looking forward to seeing your new photos!!

Thank you for the nice message Yair :) Your site is great!
Love love love your site! Added your button to my page <3
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snapchat.html is fixed... Remembered I had backed up my site to my portable SSD prior to my travels, post-covid brainfog be damned. Moved from the Ozarks to the Deep South - headed back north in a few days. My desktop PC's motherboard was killed by FedEx, which is an annoying setback. New log.html entry coming soon (?)
saint-images 2 years ago

That's great! One piece, aptly named whatthefuck.jpg, seems to still be missing though.

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inaka 2 years ago

Thank you, fixed!

inaka 2 years ago

Hmmm. Some of the images for snapchat.html failed to transfer. I am moving this week, but will try to get these fixed the next time I am in front of my PC.

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saint-images 2 years ago

Really glad to see you back. Really sorry you've got the disease - hoping for your fast recovery. Though with your life on the move, it's surprising how you've stayed clear of it for so long. That photo with the rainbow Z might get you jailed for 15 years over here. (。﹏。*) Never heard of Nishinari-ku; but on some photos it just looks a bit more like Southeast Asia. Hoping to hear from you again soon.

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saint-images 2 years ago

Also, revisiting your beige whales article, I realised I have a Leica clone (FED I) collecting dust on my shelve. It doesn't have the bottom cap, and I don't think this camera is really in a reparable state anymore; however, recently I realized that the lens is actually detachable, and I was able to put it on my Olympus through a MFT/M39 adapter, although with little success due to the lens' design.

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inaka 2 years ago

Russian lenses are sort of funky. Some of them are M39 mount but have a slightly different distance from the rear glass to the film plate, throwing focus out of wack if adapted.

inaka 2 years ago

And yes, I’m surprised I made it this long all things considered. So many close calls over the years… Oh well, it’s honestly not so bad. Just very sleepy. I hope you’re doing well. Send some update emails when you get the chance!

inaka 3 years ago

I actually wrote an article?

cheru 3 years ago

Is that Emanon on your log page by any chance?

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inaka 3 years ago

Yes! It is one of my favorites.

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inaka 3 years ago

Complete site redesign. Added new images to some albums, further info on my cameras, new links, and a guestbook.

turd 3 years ago

looks great!!

kyuushi 3 years ago

redesign is sweet dude!!!

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedDec 8, 2019
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japan personal photography film art