Koshka's Kingdom

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Seems some Russophobic microbe known only as "teeth" is spending its time complaining to anyone who follows/links to me about my support for my motherland in the fact of systematic western lies. SAD! I consider it a favour to be honest. The chaff willingly separating itself from the wheat. Less garbage in my feed.
bmh 2 years ago

Sounds like the same breed of people that got their feathers ruffled about my Covid stuff.

owlyfans 2 years ago

*Bombs the shit out of a place killing civilians* No, my motherland is on the right side :)

koshka 2 years ago

@owlyfans Russia is responding to decades of incessant aggression. You are a dirty peasant who is brainwashed by western propaganda.

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owlyfans 2 years ago

Russia's reply to this "aggression" is to commit war crimes and putting the well-being of civilians who had nothing at all to do with the "aggression" and simply wanted to live their lives at risk. I feel like there is a difference between being "brainwashed by western propaganda" and watching footage showing the Russian army literally committing horrible acts.

owlyfans 2 years ago

I am sorry that you are seeing hatred towards normal Russian people, I understand that this is not Russia's war, but Vladamir Putin's, but defending the actions of the government is not okay. I am proud to be British, but I would never want to defend the horrible acts done by my government

owlyfans 2 years ago

I'm glad that you called me "brainwashed" and a "dirty peasant" quickly, as I now know that clearly, you are sadly too deep in your government's lies that it might be hard to get out. I wish you the best. Peace and love.

shadowm00n 2 years ago

I wouldn't expect someone named after a simp site to understand this, but not everything you see on TV is real. In fact, most, if not all, of the "war crime" propaganda has been proven to be fake, and Ukranians have been proven, via eye-witness testimony, to be attacking their own people to create more propaganda. They are also literal, unironic Nazis. You have no clue what's going on over there, and it shows.

bmh 2 years ago

I laughed at "dirty peasant"! But I think we're all largely peasants; we're all civilians and really these aren't our fights, yet we're encouraged to take sides and used in various ways to support such things.

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koshka 2 years ago

I call you a dirty peasant because you've clearly demonstrated your utter lack of critical thinking ability and your proclivity towards blindly believing anything you read - both classical traits of low-bred people.

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