Leichpfands Hölle

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my programming teacher told the hr lady (trans) about me and she has sent me an e-mail telling me to meet up with her when I've got time so I can get the documents I need to change my name in the school registry and that she can help me get acces to like nation-wide name changes and hormones n stuff. It's really cool but I feel like being told irl would've been better it feels kinda weird to just be hit with this
leichpfand 6 days ago

in the middle of a database class no less. It feels kinda cold in some way?? idk, it's a move forward but it's kinda weird cus my colleagues don't really seem like the most supportive people in the world and even though I don't interact with them much it feels weird to change my name before even discussing it with them... I'm too shy for this

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CreatedJun 16, 2024
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music personal blog trans