Leichpfands Hölle

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Re-watched steven universe to make up for my dad's tv-hoarding behaviour through the years. It was actually really good! I barely remember any of it and it was a nice surprise cus everyone has spent the last couple years shitting on it. I like it, I'll finnish season 5 this evening
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leichpfand 11 hours ago

like it has some issue, mainly with the writing and how they seem to just ignore heavy trauma but the worldbuilding, the music, the style, it's all so charming and unique!! Lapis is such a vibe I wanna be like her

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So I was in the clothing store and then this old lady came up to me and asked me if I was the last in line (but with male termination) and then I turned around and she corrected her self and used the female termination!!! (so like she saw that I was a girl) ((this was hard to present in english it's so weird it doesn't have gendered anythings))
Post-post scriptum: I fixed the laptop by installing linux so this week's extra cool
wtf happened to fionn's hotline cafe website???? It was so cool I'm distraught...
I bought a crop top today and holy shit they look so good on me I'm going to explode!!!! I havent got the confidence to wear anything near my dad yet but man this is gonna hit so hard once that restriction's lifted (one day...)
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leichpfand 1 week ago

I think I'm gonna re-format this page cuz it was made with the idea that Karjala would die immediately in mind, and then she didn't, so yeah Imma make a scrollbar or something idk

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leichpfand 1 week ago

done-ish it doesn't look awesome but it works for now I guessssssss

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friday-girl 1 week ago

inb4 you somehow reach wiz without any permadeaths

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I... god good things just don't last do they? Today I found out at least one of my classmates hasn't just got right-wing ideals about immigration... Going into an hour-long ""debate"" with the ecology teacher about gender and people who don't want children... AND AS IM WRITING THIS HE DID THE SAME THING WITH THE LAW PROFESSOR AND FOUND SOME COMFORT! I say comfort but he's just saying that
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leichpfand 1 week ago

he has worked in biology for years and that there are only 2 sexes biologically (which isn't even true ngl...) but that he will treat people as they wish to be treated so that's neat, I still only have my classmated to worry about! It's odd cuz the guy saying these things is an immigrant, like if the far-right party came into power he'd be the first one out the damn door I don't get people like this...

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leichpfand 1 week ago

I did notice most of the class telling him to stop in a more lighthearted way when he brought it up with the teacher so I guess it's only him that's a real issue... I don't know though, this is a very bad situation ngl! This sucks, and the teacher is now talking about trans ppl having too much freedom to get to hrt and srs and then regretting it, awesome.

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leichpfand 1 week ago

ok well the teacher has backtracked on a few things, saying trans people are ok but when they're adults that transition and that if his daughter brought it up to him he'd consider it. I get it, he's a rational individual, tbh before joining the trans community I held similar points. He'll be fine with me I hope...

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CreatedJun 16, 2024
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