Leichpfands Hölle

966 updates
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I actually need someone to read today's blog and tell me wtf is wrong with me I just had the worst epiphany ever
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Right after my MGMT week and my transitional Michael Jackson weekend, get ready for Salad Days week! I hate that my tastes work this way :(
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Missed the site's birthday which was yester-yesterday but I'm still on time for the first blog post's one month "birthday" sooooo yeah. Anyways, uhhh yeah, good talk, cya!
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Spacehey page is just about finished, could tweak it a bit but I can't be bothered honestly... Gonna be posting less serious stuff in there because it's more engaging than this. In case you didn't get the joke, here's the link
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Made a spacehey cuz I wanted a challenge and ended up with a whole headache figuring out how to style my stuff... Guess the name!
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Last updated 11 hours ago
CreatedJun 16, 2024
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