Leichpfands Hölle

663 updates
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welp, the bash report from thursday (featuring Karjala) is now up on the MUD2 forums, at the bottom of this thread:
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leichpfand 1 hour ago

Awww mann I should've stayed till the enddd why don't you guys do it on friday's?? It would be so much more convenient!!

You slide down the chute, an air of expectancy about you. This ends rather sadly as you pile into an incinerator, which, although no longer alight, is nevertheless forty feet below where you come out. You die, of a broken everything. FUCK
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made it in record time! will try to make "portraits" for every character I play but I don't promise anything because my creativity is volatile asf
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I'm making a mud 2 page this is kinda fun
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Karjala, my mud II character, just drowned after finding a beach after failing to open the door to the shed where I left my items last game :(
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friday-girl 19 hours ago

by the way, your items do not persist between games (the whole world resets every ~105 minutes or so, meaning your items definitely weren't in the shed anyway)

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leichpfand 19 hours ago

ohhh and uuuhh I wanted to ask if they still do the bash report thing, forums seem VERY dead ngl, also was surprised to see that heiach and other players JOINED IN 2001 LIKE WTF

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friday-girl 19 hours ago

Zalagar usually writes the bash reports nowadays (and she posts them on the forums and on the (un)official discord). You can see the reports from the last few weeks in this thread: (and yes, the forums are a bit dead nowadays, mostly as a consequence of the playerbase being pretty small and most discussions tending to happen spontaneously in-game)

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leichpfand 19 hours ago

This game has got so much history it's crazy

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friday-girl 19 hours ago

also, yes, pretty much all the other players there started playing decades ago (it is a pretty old game tbf). and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if I'm the youngest active player nowadays (besides yourself ofc). The game itself has had a somewhat eventful history, but it certainly feels like The Land has been a bit more active than usual this year.

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leichpfand 19 hours ago

I gotta say I don't think I would've ever even come close to hearing about it if it wasn't for u! So thanks!!

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friday-girl 19 hours ago

no problem :) Anywho, before I forget - I'd strongly suggest going for a TOUR (type in 'TOUR') when you next try to play (especially the TUTORIAL one). might help you to get your bearings 😅

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also today's entry is sad as fuck don't read it I overshared a bit too much
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