Let's Find Pokemon! FOUND

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Wowww, thanks so much for all your hard work in documenting these! What an awesome site!
letsfindpokemon-found 8 months ago

Thank you so much :D! I'm so happy to be able to share this series with everyone hehe - Prof. Abel

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Guestbook has been added :D - prof. abel!
Hello, I work at a library and we have a few similar books in our collection. Have you heard of Pokemon Seek and Find? Their copyright years are both 2018. One is Legendary Pokemon and the other is Johto.
letsfindpokemon-found 8 months ago

Hi there! Thanks for this message! I do know of Pokemon Seek and Find and have a copy of "Where's Pikachu?" (copyright date: 2020)!

letsfindpokemon-found 8 months ago

OOPS! I sent that message early. I was excited when i first learned of these books but upon ordering and recieving one, i was a bit disapointed by the quality of it, as all of the images in it are just copy pasted JPEGs of pokemon :/ I am thinking about documenting my feelings about this book series at some point in the future! Despite my feelings about the quality, I do find it very interesting (cont...)

letsfindpokemon-found 8 months ago

that the Pokemon company approved another, differant pokemon search and find series for english speaking audiences when they had been making Find Pokemon! books in Japan as recently as 2022! Anyway, sorry for the ramble! Thank you for all the work that you do at the library- how awesome! - Prof Abel

Your site is so cute and homey!! I love your art ! - Prof Abel
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sylphofeons 8 months ago

Thank you so much! I saw your site because it reminded me that I have the 2009 Gold and Silver Let's Find Pokemon book and I was really impressed by your catalogue and archiving! Thanks for the great work and kind words!

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Just finished updating the page format for Gold and Silver, Crystal, and Platinum! - Prof Abel
HI ALL! Haven't been active here in a while (non-pokemon based work has been BRUTAL). I have just finished adding ShiningForceLibrary's translations to the Find Pokemon! Sun&Moon's page! That means just one book and the entire series will be archived and translated :D WOOHOO! - Prof. Abel
letsfindpokemon-found 8 months ago

I'm working on making all the book pages the same format next! I need to get back into the web dev mindset before i start on bigger tasks like redoing the catolog page and continueing my map project hehe :) - Prof Abel

fact about me is that i think pokepark wii (the first one) is the pokemon game that i need ported to switch the most. I have a steamdeck where i do most of my emulation but i have never been able to get the motion controls set up correctly to be able to get past certain mini games so im kinda stuck :/ Ive even thought about making a fan game of it to practice video game design but bleh. too busy :( - prof abel

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CreatedJan 19, 2024
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media collection pokemon catalog archive