
8,226 updates
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man anyone remember barbie girls
scenequeen 5 years ago

im a barbie a barbie world...

voov 5 years ago

Haha yes, annoying squeaky voice :3

melodicake 5 years ago

yEAH BUT LIKE, THE VIRTUAL WORLD GAME THO like i had a memory of that last night and lost my mind its so ancient

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empeethree 5 years ago

I so remembered the band Aqua.

aaahHHH ive been dead for a few days, i'm sorry!!! i do check this site every day though to see other people's site updates and all but i haven't been active since i have like no ideas for redesigns for other pages of my site lol. i'll hopefully get some done soon though!
i love your landing page!!
rxqueen 5 years ago

thank you!!

the update looks amazing!!!
1 like
macchiato 5 years ago

thank u <3

i've completed redesigning all 8 main pages minus the shrines! i'm leaving the shrines for later since i've decided i'm gonna go crazy with those and make them look shitty and everything, that'll be fun lol. once i'm done redesigning every page, i'll put them all up on the site and retire the current design. i don't know if i want to do a thing where you can click a link and view the old site since that'll take (1/2)
melodicake 5 years ago

up a lot of space, but if i don't do that i'll probably just archive the whole site on the internet archive and then update all the pages (well now that i think about it that's probably the best option so i'll likely do that LOL) (2/2)

i've edited 5 pages into the new layout style i'm trying! only one is visible atm (random), but i've saved the other 4 on my computer. i don't know for sure if i'm going to go through with using this layout, but i probably will since it looks cleaner than my current and i like it better. there's some other stuff i have to fix up tho, and i'm pretty tired, so i'll continue working on it tomorrow. look forward to it!
scenequeen 5 years ago

excited!! <3

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melodicake 5 years ago

aaahh thank u!!

1 like
the new site layout thing is Hard,,,,, idk what i'm doing
melodicake 5 years ago

why won't the link underline things work hhHHHHH

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJul 10, 2018
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personal idols