project c190

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crazy how we've just been living in a technological dystopia since the 2010s
badgraph1csghost 5 days ago

the reaction to edward snowden's leak was the most deafening display of de-evolution i've ever seen: first everyone freaks out "oh no they're monitoring everything what'll we do?!" then alarm fatigue set in and now people are like "okay boomer, let's get you back to the home".

palmistshouse 5 days ago

Not to sound pessimistic but I think we've been living in a technological dystopia ever since the introduction of computers into the family home.

oldkidz-newblockz 5 days ago

yeah, bg1g - it went from "ah, shit", to "so what tel. companies (=feds) has in job (and we pay them for)"

projectc190 5 days ago

@palmistshouse i wouldn't say it is inherent to consumer technology but that it definitely saw a turn for the worse since companies found out how to profit off of mass surveillance

letslearntogether 5 days ago

@projectc190 - Why 2010 though? @palmistshouse - David Burnham, the investigative journalist, would have probably agreed: As @badgraph1csghost and @oldkidz-newblockz point out, it seems to have dramatically increased since then:

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letslearntogether 5 days ago

After the so-called "Patriot Act", things like "Project Shamrock" grew exponentially. The "PRISM program" showed that most companies have their own "Room 641A" and feed data to the UDC in Bluffdale so that alphabet orgs can train "AI" and do "war game simulations": "Military intelligence" then trickles down to the "police state" through "fusion centers".

letslearntogether 5 days ago

But we can go back further. Most of "Silicon Valley" grew out of miltary research: And many of the earliest computers were developed specifically for military applications...Perhaps one of the most egregious examples was their use in the automation of genocide done during WWII:

letslearntogether 5 days ago

The "average joe" may not realize how prevalent all of that might be. Hypothetical Exampe: The "terminally online" on an anonymous imageboard are tricked into doing "OSINT"...But when they start uncovering the *real* darkness through their "weaponized autism", will that corruption get it shutdown by "flaming" it with CSAM and painting their findings as a nonsensical "conspiracy theory"?

letslearntogether 5 days ago

Currently, "e/acc" is aiming for the "technological singularity", but what exactly is humanity working towards? There is danger in computers becoming idols for worshiping the "Solid State Entity" So, don't be corralled into a Brave New World-like "smart city" or help make a "world in chains scenario".

letslearntogether 5 days ago

All of that might sound incredibly depressing or scary, but don't worry. None of it will ever succeed. There is an Intelligence infinitely greater than the "artificial" and it communicates with us directly through genuine virtue and kindness. Sincerely strive to hear it by tuning out all of the "noise". 💜

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do u think the research project wants me fr if i emailed their phd student and they sent me a winky face in their email back
projectc190 1 week ago

Can i put this in my resume

badgraph1csghost 1 week ago

getting flashbacks to #overlyhonestmethods

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projectc190 1 week ago

Student was selected based on vibes

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miserable semester
your blog is nice to read. i know it's from a while ago but your post about applying to med school is absolutely too real. i hope things have turned out well for you in spite of the hardships you've had to face
sanguineroyal 1 week ago

🥺 stop you are so kind, thank you...ive grown a lot since that initial post, and for the better at that. I'm not looking to get a masters or PhD personally, but I saw your post on the global feed and def followed you because I needed more people to commiserate with, hahaha<3

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projectc190 1 week ago

i'm really glad to hear that! as for what i said, going to grad school seems like an obvious choice for me but after that i'm not 100%. i dont really know what i'm doing but i doubt anyone else does either. with u in solidarity as Young Adult with Big Ambition🫡🫡

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does anyone know what happened to vashti??
tsumugsfish 1 week ago

vashti -> michaelmas

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need to be friends with more masters and phd students so i know what terrible darkness my future holds

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