If I keep adding links, this will become more of a web directory than a links page, but everyone is just too talented.
i love links rabbit holes and i'm excited to have one more directory to get browsin'
My link page has basically become a directory but it's helpful for me because it helps me remember more details about a site
I have no memory to speak of, so I just go through rounds of clicking all the links and being awed all over again. Always fun :D
Forget "exchanges" :D I'd have spontaneously linked to you if I had noticed your site before, it's amazing. I'll add you the next time I update!
I'll admit I hoped you'd see it, what with your studies. There's an isopods DLC ;)
Someday, I'll figure out why the blog pages keep being reuploaded by "neocities push ."...
Hadn't heard of srcset before so this was pretty educational.
So Jekyll regenerates the entire site on build, which means new modification dates, which means the Neocities CLI tool always somehow ends up throwing the "smol images" post in. I'm going to have to cheat, somehow, because I'm tired of seeing it :D