No visible changes. I belatedly noticed there were localhost links in the meta tags.
Love the tone of your smol images post. Huge plus one to everything you are saying! I'm inspired to swap all my images over to webp!! Personal shoutout to TinyPNG and TingJPG for easy compression. There is a VSCode extension available for it too (up to 500 images a month on the free tier)
yes i don't see why not heh. i do this and its fun to make whole new css for different things
Thank you ♥
absolutely! you have supporter on neocities so it should be extra easy to switch between neocitie accounts :3 i personally keep most my stuff on my main site bc i wouldnt know what to seperate anyways but that a personal thing not a cultural/ediquitte thing
So glad to hear it's not an etiquette thing! I browse the general activity page avidly and I felt I was doing things wrong. The switch is easy indeed (except I forget to log myself out on the CLI tool and randomly replace a site by another, which happened only the one or twenty times.)
No comparisons should ever be made. As long as you're pleased with your own content, it's the most important. Never forget that a website is made by someone who has tastes and a life, the site is only there to convey ideas and designs. Some people are talkative, other are nearly silent, that doesn't make them less worth than talkative ones. Your website is really awesome and I wish I had 1/100th of your talent.
I can feel there's passion and work behind your stuff, it's easy to criticize but harder to actually do content. Do it like you want, please yourself before trying to appeal to others. I believe in you !
Thank you ♥