it made the worlds most terrifying noise if anyone was wondering i was just in the middle of getting refs and it shut off and made a noise like sizzling. put the fear of god into me so i immediately yanked the plug out. opened her up and cleaned her out and left her to cool down for a bit and shes fine again!!!
i also had to go cool down tbh not like i was going to collapse and die as dramatically as my computer did but it felt like i was turning into sludge
still i am very glad that happened in the refs gathering stage and not the drawing stage lmao
i will fix the formatting of this page at some point because it is currently not working very much when i zoom in even just by 10% but it is currently 2am so thats an issue for later me
but yayyyy more about xantho my favouritest little guy (if you cant tell by the amount i draw him)
context 4 xanthos blog and mentions of a forum: he hacked into/wiped someones gossip forum for laughs one time. then they told him to meet up with them and he was like oh no im going to die. turns out they were Not Doing Very Good and he was forced into the very awkward position of taking care of them (being 14 he didnt know what 2 do) and was made to compromise. that compromise was a new forum with 1 condition
he had to moderate it. which made most people leave because he was very strict (because he did not want to run a gossip forum at all). but some people stayed. anyways years later he decides to get rid of it because he had a whole character arc and stopped being a pushover and now its his self care blog
i cant touch too far into it because it gets a bit darker than that but thats the basics