i can learn subjects that I don't even like if I have a good teacher and the class is chill !! im pretty neutral on maths itself as a subject too it's not that I dont like maths
I just kept getting the uncomfortably strict teachers (who would make us tear entire pages out of our workbooks for the crime of not cramming as much in there as possible so we can actually read what we're doing) and the classmates I had were loud and noisy and also there was always a group of people wearing entirely way too much perfume that it was making me sick
i think they should atleast let me go to prom as like. compensation. like i will forgive them of all their crimes (some of them might literally be crimes now that i think about it) if they just let me go to prom. simple
new recent art - the context for these is that my sibling kind of assigned xantho a kangal (because of the whole flock guardian dog thing he has going on) and like the law of the universe is that if a fursona is assigned to something i have to draw it as that
once again my bad for no updates trying to navigate my way to sign up for college is a pain and also they sent us the wrong link so now were waiting for them to send us the right link and its a whole thing
okay well this showed up so im going to guess its a thing with other peoples profiles. or maybe its just acting funny and all my posts will appear in half an hour
anyways @solar-cyber-punk. heres an update on my zebra plant - long story short - moved plant into jar to add more soil, dont have soil though. the flowering thing is growing quite a bit but the stem is bending - would it be a good idea to add something to support it?: https://file.garden/ZXR-dj_dI1vYUkW7/plant%20doing%20plant%20things.jpg
I know the problem, sometimes I'll post a little message for some one, but it won't show up a little while later. At first it'll look like you never posted anything at all! I haven't really found the reason for that, slow servers maybe?
But! Our Zebra friend! I've seen that the little flower stem will sometimes bend a little while growing. I don;t think it should be that big of a problem, and as it grows it'll "build more support" for itself as the stem grows. But if it stays a little droopy for a week or so in the sun, try sticking a thin stick in the soil and use it to support the flower. Thank you for thinking of me!
thank you!! you've been a massive help :) also good to know it isn't just me and that neocities is acting a little funny