stanley :) many think the browser freezes from the images, but it is actually because he has invested much love into the site. please be patient for it to handle it all
[nods solemnly] Of course, a common misconception. The rest of your site is pretty cool too. xD And thank you for following me as well! :)
Updated the navigation! (*Not every link connects to something yet.) Will be swapping out the current homepage for one that's styled like the rest of the site soon. (But fear not, it will live on in another form elsewhere on the site.)
(Probably less in the way of edits to the site over the next few days as I work on this.)
NP!! ur art is SO COOL. glad u liked the stuff on the site :] the tomato slice is the best gif ever to me so when the chatbox account only let me add one custom emote i just KNEW it had to be that
I understand completely. Sometimes you just need a tomato slice and no other gif will do. xD And thank you, I'm glad you liked the art. Fortunately, there will be more. :D Take care!