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would be cool if there was some way to edit website files on my hard drive and have them upload automatically, or something like that
pencilvoid 2 years ago

i don't like neocities' web editor lol..........................................................................................................

vukky 2 years ago

neocities supporter has WebDAV, which is literally just that (mount your site as a hard drive) - however windows support is limited :)

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vukky 2 years ago

(limited = the official windows feature is broken but there's probably a third-party app for it somewhere)

pencilvoid 2 years ago

if webDAV supported windows and i used it would i need to have my pc on 24/7 for my website to be accessible 24/7?

vukky 2 years ago

no, webDAV simply allows you to edit the files on the neocities server as if it was a hard drive in your computer (this means that if you delete all the files, all the files will be deleted. do not try that. i did)

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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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