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Hi there, I read your accessibility post and I noticed the same. I'd like to join the Accessible Net directory along with my other site (scopefilter) which meet the vast majority of the criteria EXCEPT a light-dark toggle. I realize this kind of toggle is useful but the sites do respond to native High Contrast modes in Windows to switch the colour scheme which I hope is enough until I have the chance to code it.
pixelglade 1 year ago

The other thing I wanted to add with the accessibility post which is something I've noticed, and I actually find very disorienting is how a lot of people's websites change layout from page to page. But I was thinking of making my own a11y post at some point so I guess that's one of the things I'll mention :) really like your site design btw (Also the Punk Wasp link in your blog post doesn't lead to a blog post)

scopefilter 1 year ago

Hello this is my other site! :3

pinkvampyr 1 year ago

You actually don't need to code a toggle! A simple prefers-color scheme light/dark media query with some colors switched around works fine :> I provided some links on how to do it underneath that guideline, kalechips shows how to do it quickly!

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pinkvampyr 1 year ago

also thanks, I'll fix the link when I get to my laptop!!

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Thanks! Took awhile for me to figure out why it wasn't working but Kalechip's code doesn't work unless you enclose the :root {} inside the media query... which is what they've done on their site. You can use the Dev Tools which has a Light and Dark mode switch to test if it's working.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Haven't implemented it yet but I will.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

I added the media query to my site today.

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Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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personal pink cute accessibility resources