p i x e l d r e a m s :: a handheld gaming shrine

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Thanks for the follow! Your website is so cute, and your collection seems so fun! Have you played the Aikatsu you’ve got at all yet? I have a different one, Cinderella Lesson, and was disappointed that it was way heavier on minigames than idol nonsense.
pixel-dreams 2 years ago

Thanks for the sweet comment <3 I actually haven't played my Aikatsu game yet but I totally know what you mean. I think the one I have is also mostly just a series of minigames tho. I'm still searching for a really fun idol sim ヽ(´ー` )┌

miela583 2 years ago

I like the PriPara games a lot, and have super high hopes for the mobile version if it ever comes out, but they’re really easy, lean more towards arcade than sim by a long shot, and the balance between the super limited 3ds ports or the janky as heck Switch version leaves something to be desired, too… after typing that, I guess I’m looking for the same thing!


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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedSep 8, 2018
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videogames kawaii gaming nintendo