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This is as compulsively readable for your layout as for the info therein. I had to drag myself away from it just to fetch a snack. Thanks!
i'm glad you like it ^_^ i feel like i still have so much more i want to add
You've pulled a lot of extremely disparate information together into a singular source. It's very comprehensive and readable.
Sad you have to provide the disclaimer of "writing about this subject is not endorsement, I'm just presenting information I found about this person and case", but I guess it's needed when there are so many people out there writing about such figures in a way that's clearly glorifying.
I mainly wanted to make an easier way to read about him because it seems like there are a lot of people who are interested in learning about him but don't want to go through the effort of looking through hundreds of pages of information
Unfortunately my disclaimer doesn't even work that well because I still get messages from people who think I'm a white supremacist or that I'm going to go kill a bunch of people when that's obviously not the case. It goes the other way too where I'll encounter his 'fans' who'll say such unbelievable things about him that I can't even fathom how they'd be comfortable to say about something so sad