I have a 2000 and a 3000, both pretty excellent. i would just say when buying be wary of the battery, chances are that its already not great. otherwise just try to find the colour u like for a decent price! i bougth a rose pink for about 50 euros
thank you so much! Do you reckon I should just go for buying just the psp itself and a new battery separately then? Instead of paying more for a psp with the battery,etc
tbh i dont often see them being sold without the battery, i think it may be safer to buy with battery even if it turns out shitty, atleast you will know all is well w/ the psp. as for buying a non-sony battery from an online store, i havent bought one myself yet, but its quite affordable and most people seem to be happy with them. when i do, i will let u know how my exp. with it was. unless the deal is great
and the seller is trusted, i think you better buy with bat. are you looking for classic piano black or a diff colour or a special edition? i think piano black ones go for real great prices if youre just looking for any psp
just hoping for a silver psp! I'd love the Crisis Core edition, but they go for far too much for my broke ass lolol. But thank you so much for your input!!! Super appreciated :D
also kinda reshaped my home page a little bit instead of doing my 500 remaining pages of readings because I have good priorities...
thank you so much!!!! just checked out your site and it's so cool omg, if you have a button lmk because I'd love to add it!!
tysm!! i lov ur site so much :3 ur dog shrine is so cute