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pixelglade 2 years ago

I was curious why your poetry is on, it seems like a Html page would work just as well. I read the mistral poem, I like how you included your own photos, it makes it more personable.

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rainmirage 2 years ago

couldnt work out how to directly reply to you, sorry pixelglade :) the answer is simply that i started uploading to before i had a website, and it's easy to compile everything in one place and see analytics from my poems! but yes, one day i might move them to my website.

nice website :) always cool to find a fellow kiwi using neocities
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jonathn 2 years ago

sorry i just woke up, but omg hi!! thanks, your site is cool too :0

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updated my anti-nft banner to an anti-ai art banner to be a bit more topical <3
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mysticscave 2 years ago

Good luck with your eating goal! You might even find that using vegetables is cheaper.

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I saw your homepage welcomes the user to fuck off if they do NFTs which I agree with hahaha. I am enjoying your layout and the memphis background patterns. I also really liked your Gundam Girls zine. My mouth kind of dropped open when I saw Noin so I understand your appreciation. 😁
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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 19, 2020
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art japanese personal gundam anime