Hey! It's R.K. Smith!

4,023 updates
1 tips
Just listened to Fog Machine with an mt-32 emulator and I'm diggin' it, love your retro proggy vibes~
jlehr 2 years ago

Yeah you've got some cool music!

1 like
Sat down to figure out custom fonts thinking it was gonna be a bunch of tutorial following before I cracked it, but like 10 minutes later I got the games section all hooked up with a proper DOS terminal font B)
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i LOVE ur site's setup & the weird al and homestar runner buttons... your taste is incredible
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rksmith 2 years ago

Thank you so much! I love your Touchstone inspired button, makes me feel like I need to work on my site's button a little more haha

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rksmith 2 years ago

Scratch that, just finished making an improved button for my page haha

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how did you get the text on the games section to be like that? i've been trying to do something similar for ages and havent been able to get it to work
ollys-site 2 years ago

it looks really cool

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rksmith 2 years ago

If you use a text-shadow property you can blur it and change the color to look like a glow, you can also stack multiple shadow properties to have a brighter inner glow and a dimmer outer glow:

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ollys-site 2 years ago

oh, nice! what font did you use btw?

ollys-site 2 years ago

(and how do you get the _ to blink)

rksmith 2 years ago

Courier New, was thinking of using a DOS style font but most of the pixel fonts that are free to use through like google and stuff for sites are kinda cheesy in the not so good way haha

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rksmith 2 years ago

For the typing effect I used this script:

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ollys-site 2 years ago

oh sweet thanks

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Home page has "unnofically" soft launched! It's technically live but I'm waiting 'till I have more stuff on it before going through the rigamaroll of redirecting my domain name. I'll make much more of a hooplah about it once I consider the website to actually be launched.
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 27, 2022
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art technology diy videogames zine