TYSM!!! It's been a ton of fun making it looks how it looks and I plan to keep improving on it :-) I really enjoy your site as well!! (i think i left a guestbook thingie i have bad memory)
also did a ton of CSS changes so PLEASE clean your cache or hard reset (CTRL+SHIT+R) if you have visited before :3
yo! Took a break from working on the site for a few days due to health stuff. Please clean your cache to see the CSS changes this update comes with (Shift+R in windows blalbla) I have already written the new blogpost and I should edit and post it tomorrow. Grandia is coming back 2 or 3 days after christmas :3
a hard reload is shift control r, it reloads the site without caching anything.
Thx a lot! That's what its all about! Your site is extremely cute too, I enjoyed reading about all the little characters.
this is the last post I do as a 'Session' format. This means I'll move to 'Entries'. This means I'll space this out more and combine two or more sessions into one post to avoid making them too sparse, or spend too much time just summarizing events which is not my intention with this little project.
Thank you so much! I like your website a lot too, purple is such a cute colour but it doesn't get enough love
(also new blogpost coming sometime before the end of the week)