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3 tips
novov sent a $150.00 tip to rvklein
4 years ago
rvklein 4 years ago

Oh. Well that's where that came from. Nice to not be starving now. lol

Currently in a lot of pain. Without meds, homeless, and my possessions are essentially being held hostage. Don't know when/if I will make my comeback here. Regardless, my site as it stands isn't going anywhere for the time being and I should be able to maintain my darknet mirrors however desynced they might get. On hiatus I guess. Will be checking up on the prototype occasionally too. Thanks.
joppiesaus 4 years ago

That incredibly sucks, tough to hear, good luck rvklein!

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rvklein 4 years ago

Trying to get the Twitter link preview card thing to actually work is like a nightmare.

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rvklein 4 years ago

This broke for some reason but now "works" again. It still doesn't run as well and is meant moreso for introspecting in browsers than actually manipulating variables in globalScope at all.

rvklein 4 years ago

oops, my details disclosure links/buttons/widgets/elements broke because of the weird markup things I did with an anchor tag I think. Browser behaviour might've changed at least in Chromium engine based clients for whatever. Applied a small hack with relative position and z-index to get the details summary metrics bounds to sit over top of the descendant with the styled button widget link type thing.

Cute. Hello.
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ottwiz 4 years ago

Thanks! Your site looks cool too.

I have no life but I still haven't been able to create much of any new content. Damn. Oh well, I enjoy seeing other updates across the userbase of this place.
yourcreativeblog 4 years ago

Find something that inspires you and create something !

joppiesaus 4 years ago

no worries

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedFeb 15, 2016
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