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Another great site: important too
skill: sharing for stranger. Your site rocks (#_#)
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The Nazi's are using divide and conquer to fuel hate in the streets so they'll have an excuse to militarize the police(full blown dictatorship, north korea, nazi germany, soviet russia, communist China), Mark 3:25 "And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."
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beperbattezzare 2 years ago

Didn't Orwell say it wasn't the Nazis but Big Brother who engineers fake disputes? (have to go back and check Homage to Catalonia now) also what was the name of the party that split up to form the socialists and the Nazis

The bible doesn't say God is a giant dude, it says he is a spirit. In a vision ( where God utilizes the DMT in your mind ), God is described as appearing with eyes of fire and a voice as the sound of many waters ( the weather ) See also Psalm 93 98 95 and 147 and Daniel 10 ( a vision with a face made of lightning! ) God speaks through the weather, dreams, see Job 33:14-18 KJV
Uisng "MeWe" lately, & Clouthub for social. MeWe is good, but has few issues. Has groups with free speech and others that are not. It's better than facebook tho. Keckr absolutely sucks noone is there and I also use clouthub. Clouthub seems to be rigged in terms of group topics towards the right ( a bunch of trump b.s. ) so I'll bring my truth to stomp their lies and stomp them with citations. Platform suggestions?
I notice my comments don't show up on my end when I post them on users profiles. They used to. Maybe I was flagged or something. I shouldn't have shared url's on there. maybe the system did it I dunno. Maybe it'll be lifted after a while . I enjoy this social platform customer? Use JESUSROCKS for 10% off any order. Good for a life time. Legal hemp derived thc.

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