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Guitar question: I've got an Ibanez RG solid body. When I play hard (as in hitting the strings with greater force), I'm getting some bad crackly sound. It only happens on the distortion channel of my Marshall MG-15. I've ruled out the guitar cable. I'm guessing bad guitar input jack, pickups, or strings bouncing off the fretboard?
the-when 1 day ago

there might be some interference around you, dirty connections, or some bad wiring in the amp, not sure though, I use a Fender Spider II Line 6 amp. Used to have a Marshall, not sure what kind, but I sold that. Wasn't the right amp for me. But yeah I recommend checking to see if the connections are dirty, any electromagnetic interference around you, and if it comes down to it, check the internals of the amp.

the-when 1 day ago

Not an expert in amp maintenance just so you know. Also if all else fails you should probably take it to a guitar shop or something.

goatcvlt 1 day ago

@the-when Funny I did take the guitar to a tech who said it looked fine (they tightened the input jack), but did mention LED light interface, which I do have several of in the room. I should test by playing in a different room. Thanks for the info.

the-when 1 day ago

That may work, not 100% sure though.


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