i can't believe the comic author managed to spin cucking like that... it's a bit sad
I started to love that functioning, democratic, pragmatic and highly dynamic country that is Denmark.
Opinion: Circumcision by tradition is the worst. I don't think it's ethical to cut something of someone's genitals because you have a religion/tradition to satisfy. It's a classic dilemma between freedom of religion and right to inviolability of body(am I saying this right?). Also, I have yet to find out why you want to kill _all_ journalists. Aren't you a journalist as well, because you publish news on your website?
Since this is mainly a blog, I'm a blogger. I don't think that counts as journalism but YMMV. "Kill all journalists" is a meme I first explored in "Infinite noise, negative signal". It isn't a literal policy proposal, but it isn't all that far either:
"An Immodest Proposal: Kill all journalists and feast on their corpses. Since cannibalistic murder is illegal, do the next best thing: stop consuming their drivel. Stop visiting their sites. Stop following their twatters and dumblrs and feeds. Point their websites to loopback on your hosts file. Starve them of their precious eyeballs and clicks, and they will die."
And following that I supported and promoted Wikitribune, which allows readers to fact-check and edit out journoblogger lies on a volunteer basis. This is the destruction of the journalist's work, and perhaps in the future the entire profession. Once every journalist is jobless, cause journalism jobs don't exist, you've effectivelly killed all journalists.
aaaah I see! thank you for the wonderful explanation! I will do my part; stop consuming trash!
i can't wait any longer for sexbots. i might even code up a good dialog system for when they arrive
Robots will take some time, but if you're really impatient you can order a doll from our Chinese overlords for like a thousand bucks. They're pretty good and they can be as thick or flat as you like. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Nah. Too many misogynists and nazis in that community for my taste. That's why I'm surprised. But I also think romance and traditional male roles are BS, which some people call MGTOW. I align more with herbivore men cause hating all women and minorities is dumb and regressive.
I love Carmen. As a literal Twitter addict for over two years, the music video makes me ashamed of myself everytime I see it.
“While must if us spent our adolescence ——— or distro-hopping.” what are u trying to say??
I do like a little Powapowa-P tho.
Yeah sorry, it should've been "most".