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really really enjoyed your "dont blame the user, blame the companies" article <3
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noodledesk 2 years ago

i read it bc of this post and i enjoyed it too 💛

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whimwitch 2 years ago

Thank you! I had a lot on my mind, and I still wish for an internet that isn't so corporatized. I'm glad you liked it :)

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It's frustrating when you've got your index nearly all responsive and then funky shit happens with grid areas collapsing when changing sizes to make the screen size tiny u_u...I will have to mess with the coding more soon but for now my index seems to only look the way I want on desktop
*wipes sweat* whew....tried my hand at coding a grid layout for my index. i think i like this a lot better. gotta see if i can get this to behave on mobile ^^'
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sorry for goin nuts with some updates. re-reworked my index's wallpaper like 3 times lol. i like how it looks though. i'm hoping i'll have more time to mess with things and write some more articles in the future.
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 19, 2020
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writing yugioh anime fanfiction shrine