101 Flaws

1,981 updates
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This is the most comforting hell I've ever been in. I still have yet to go through some of the writings (like the journals and blogposts) but I really dig the artstyle, both artworks and overall web-design.
fallenhuman 10 months ago

glad you enjoy it. perhaps it's not so much of a hell after all.

1 like
Hey, I noticed you haven't really been updating lately (or at least I'm not getting them on my feed). Wanted to wish you good luck with college, I'll always be around to see whatever new art you make.
1 like
This website is actually so amazing!!! I love the visuals and you artwork is perfectly creepy. I hope you have a nice day! :3
This website is so endearing, I love the whole theme. Thank you for making this site, have a good day!
Hello! I don't have anything new to add that hasn't already been said, but your art is wonderful and I wanted to thank you for making this site. Keep up the good work and please take care.
This is, without a single doubt, the most visually beautiful website I've seen here. The background audio really completes it too, thank you for making this site. As a beginner coder I cannot imagine how hard this must've been to do.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJun 21, 2023
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noise roomslowdetailed interminablerooms rainbow powerelectronics