101 Flaws

2,058 updates
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I see you everywhere
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my woodworking assignments, I had a whole assignment that required working with a partner to build an entire cabinet. I also made a new table and my veneer carcass is finally done with a laaqer spray finish. Perhaps I'll finally share all three at once tomorrow. I feel hopeful for some reason.
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 13 hours ago

I'm also starting a new table next week, it'll be the first time I build and install a drawer by myself

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If anyone wants their button on the front page tell me I'll get to it in a moment, some people might be missing since I couldn't find buttons for some sites. I'm going to continue playing around with the pop-up warning, tell me if its inaccessible/is hard to read.
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101-flaws-in-his-requiem 1 day ago

Would it be better if I made the pop-up white to match the rest of the site? or keep it grey so it's easy on the eyes?

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101-flaws-in-his-requiem 1 day ago

(Oh god- Mordecai I accidentally deleted your message I'm so sorry, I'll keep it grey)

mordecaialba 1 day ago

lolol you're all good!!

Do you have a button by any chance? I want to feature you in my collection but I cannot find it, if you don't have one I can create a placeholder for you (no pressure).
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varix 2 days ago

i don't have a button for this site! feel free to create a placeholder 🙏

thank you for the follow! love ur site!
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 1 week ago

Thank you, fun looking through your lore :)❤️❤️❤️💕

jaidenle 1 week ago


bro wtf happened yo you disappeared bruh
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 1 month ago

I still really want to restart most of the site but I don't have the patience to change the layout of "ART.S" and "M.N.N", college has eaten all of my time for this too. So just- who cares at this point

I hope the webmaster behind "ryo makes things" is okay, it's been a while since their computer broke and the message wall is paused
Currently testing the apperance of some pages, tell me if they're more or less painful to look at, I'm currently experimenting with CSS more in preparation for more artistically intensive pages later on
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 2 months ago

About me page is the first to have an actual background: I'm likely going to give every page an marquee so you guys can at least have some insight to how each doodle talks. This website has been up for a while and I haven't even said anything interesting about them

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your art is so amazing! i have chronic migraines & your site hurts my eyes a little so i can't look too thoroughly at all yr pages but i'm excited to see what you do in the future :D
101-flaws-in-his-requiem 2 months ago

Thank you for being honest, I have noticed that the black/white contrast does strain my eyes a bit too + I am long overdue for adding a flashing lights warning, so I will figure out caution placements. That aside I'm glad you like my art, I've been searching for role models about making zines and you inspire me greatly.

mordecaialba 2 months ago

aww that is so sweet of you :((( im very honored! and no worries at all, it's a bigger problem on neocities as a whole tbh. if you're ever looking for tips on web accessibility i can definitely help you out, feel free to comment on my page anytime or email me for my discord :]

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Thank you so much for following me, its great to not only meet another traditional artist but someone so talented too. I'll try my best to see eveything in this house.
catarinha 3 months ago

✐⋆ᝰ ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*


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CreatedJun 21, 2023
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