HERE IT IS!!! I think everything should be looking right but let me know if there's anything obviously wrong. This site now uses iframes so please head to /index and explore from there. Thank you!
Sorry for spreading misinformation over the internet I got it done. Updated my age for my birthday, stuck some new names on my lifelist!
YOU'RE 18???? i genuinely thought you were my age or older because your site and "Brand" seems like. so cohesive and competent lol (happy belated bday!!)
@oudkee Thank you so much!! That compliment means a lot to me bc maintaining a coherent 'brand' or vibe or whatever has been a big concern of mine with this site for whatever reason. I've had a strong interest in advertising since I was a little kid so that's why I guess.
Congratulations on graduating! Woo! Palm Springs is a neat place and close to other neat places - hope you have a great time!
Squeezed something really dumb and totally self-indulgent out between diploma review sessions.
i changed the 404 image to a junpei persona 3 because my taste in video games is horrible and everyone must know. back to the finals pit for me
its MY shitty last year of highschool and I get to pick the low quality anime bullshit i become unreasonably obsessed with and doodle creatures from all over my physics homework
website update coming as soon as possible but between finals and my work that wont be for a while
i'm not even going to the banquet or party i'm going to the one for a whole other school in june i just get to go watch people walk across stage for 3 hours
I went in expecting a week 7/10 and was given a strong 9 like this is a real magical girl banger on par with all the classics. I will not shut up about this I'm like that Tyler the Creator tweet now.
The Netflix subtitles are bizarrely hard to parse in terms of phrasing though so maybe seek a fansubbed version. If anyone doesn't know how to do that lmk for real I will email you.